Feed that tag

Tagging is a recent trend on many web services that come under the web 2.0 umbrella. Often it is possible to subscribe to a feed of new resources, links, research and photographs that have been tagged.
Some scenarios:
- You love making model cars and would like to see photographs of them. Flickr is a photograph sharing site that provides a feed for every tag that is used. Here is the page for "model cars", scroll to the bottom and you'll find a link to the feed.
- You are researching in the area of physiology and want to find out other web resources people have found useful. Connotea provides feeds for tags too, and so does del.ici.ous
- You are an avid reader and would like to see books on a favourite topic. Librarything has feeds for books recently tagged and for recently reviewed books with a tag.
Labels: connotea, del.ici.ous, flickr, librarything, rss feeds, tagging