Feed up!
Step 2.
Start subscribing - there are different ways to find feeds
Start subscribing - there are different ways to find feeds
- RSS reader directory and searching
Within Bloglines (and other reader services) there is (usually) a directory of feeds for you to choose from. Alternatively you can search for feeds that might be of interest. One of the nice features in Bloglines is that you can preview the feed very easily before clicking on the subscribe button. Yahoo's advanced search lets you limit your results to file formats RSS/XML, so you can hunt for feeds only. - Feed directories - just a small selection to get you started
Technorati - Serendipitous subscriptions
What the heck does that mean? When you are surfing the web and you just happen to come across a site of interest, take a good look for one of these sort of buttons.
Bloggers often provide a list of other blogs that they subscribe to themselves. This is called a blogroll and is usually visible in the sidebar of a blog.
Firefox and Internet Explorer 7 use this icon to represent feeds.If a website includes coding to tell the browser that feeds are available the icon will change from grey to orange in the toolbar.
- Import opml files
OK - go read what opml means - just the first bit of the definition will do, then come back here.
Some kindly people, libraries and some services on the web provide a bundle of rss feeds ready for you to import all at once into your newsreader. If you want to explore this area some more, take a look at OPMLworkstation - where you can create opml files (not just rss ones, but other flavours too) or just search for bundles of feeds that you like. Either save the xml page as a txt file for uploading, or if URL imports are available in your reader just insert the URL.
Labels: feed directories, opml, rss feeds, subscriptions