RSS? you don't need to know what it means
Remember how email transformed the way we communicated?
News feeds have the same potential. Using aggregators to monitor news, journal table of contents, blogs, weather, web pages and discussion lists has tranformed the way I keep up-to-date.
Aggregating and feed reading functionality will soon be part of the standard operating environment for most of us as it is built in to web browsers like Firefox and Internet Explorer 7. And you already may be using it, without realising in some web services. So now is a good time to plunge in to the world of rss. And you don't need to know what it stands for. You do need to know that you can keep up with more information while doing less hunting for it.
What can you use it for?
News feeds have the same potential. Using aggregators to monitor news, journal table of contents, blogs, weather, web pages and discussion lists has tranformed the way I keep up-to-date.
Aggregating and feed reading functionality will soon be part of the standard operating environment for most of us as it is built in to web browsers like Firefox and Internet Explorer 7. And you already may be using it, without realising in some web services. So now is a good time to plunge in to the world of rss. And you don't need to know what it stands for. You do need to know that you can keep up with more information while doing less hunting for it.
What can you use it for?
News / Journal TOCs / Weather / Entertainment / Social Bookmarks / Photographs / Website updates / Comics / Discussion lists / Research / Searches / Calendars / and more stuff coming available every day.
Need more convincing? - Take Luke Rosenberg's tutorial Hot - Fresh - Delivered or let's get started now.
Labels: current awareness, feed readers, news, rss feeds